We are fortunate to have a very dedicated and hardworking staff at Davenport. We all work together to fulfill the needs of our students every day. We hope that this page will help you get to know the people that your child comes in contact with daily. Please note that all dates given represent when each staff member started working at Davenport unless otherwise indicated.

Support Staff

Mrs. Sarah Aeschleman -- Cook

Mr. Chuck Bush--Custodian

Mr. Dean Chapman -- Head Custodian
Mr. Doug Chapman -- Custodian
Mr. Andy Lenover -- Custodian

Not Pictured
Mr. Wayne Lenover--Groundskeeper

 Mrs. Kim Mulvaney -- Head Cook

Ms. Robin Nelson--Cafe Monitor

Mrs. Pat Oliver--Cook

Mr. Tom Oliver--Cafe Monitor

Mr. Paul Plopper -- District Maintenance

Mrs. Lois Vietti -- Cook